The Five Hundred are back with a killer new single 'Dragged Out' featuring the incredible talents of As Everything Unfolds vocalist, Charlie Rolfe.
The new single is powerful, featuring grinding riffs and both gritty clean vocals and god-like screams on both parts. The Five Hundred have zoned in on Charlie's vocal abilities, managing to harmonise perfectly alongside vocalist John Eeley and showcasing Rolfe's vocal range from the high cleans to the demonic lows, proving that both The Five Hundred and As Everything Unfolds are a force to be reckoned with.
'Dragged Out' is The Five Hundreds first release since their album 'A World On Fire' dropped in 2021, which makes us wonder, should we be expecting some more new music anytime soon? What have these guys got planned for 2024? Who knows, but we are excited!
Novacaine Rating: 10/10 "The Five Hundred have zoned in on Charlies vocal abilities creating a powerful new single that will leave those who listen, wanting more!"